Dark Poetry


The Power of the Forest

Shaman and forest are one
Here their powers coalesce
Interweave into one form
And strenghten each other
The forest is ensouled by man
And man is seeded by the forest

Shaman and night are one
Singing to the moon with the wolves
Chanting the power song with the owls
On four paws the night preys through the darkness
Seeing eyes that pierce through the gloom
A heart that does not search, but feels home

So old knowledge bursts out
In the oneness of two that were separated
The oblivion looses its power
The shaman acts with the forest in his back
He forest knows and thinks with the shaman's mind
At the dance to the ancient drum rhythms
The World Tree grows aloft 



Inga Veit, Publizistin M.A. & Coach  |  ingaveit@web.de